If you’re an emotional eater, the last thing you’re thinking about is your own physical pleasure, right? Unwanted eating feels so frustrating, shameful, and hopeless—and you can feel so much of that in your body. This definitely makes being in … Continue reading

Creating happy and positive workplaces is one of the biggest challenges organizations face today. We know this because Chief Happiness Officer is now a job. Getting people aligned with a company vision, caring about it, and actually having fun doing … Continue reading

Right now sleep is all the rage. It’s a top three research target with a booming multi-billion-dollar industry surging behind it. But while the sleep industry is doing well, our sleep is not (and that’s, of course, why the industry … Continue reading

Whether it’s a back rub from your partner or a hand massage during a manicure, a good rubdown can be a total godsend. But it doesn’t just feel nice: Research suggests (and experts agree) that getting massaged can actually benefit … Continue reading

Since before the time of record keeping, essential oils have been used to support the body, mind, and spirit. Many ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians, Romans, Greeks and Chinese highly prized essential oils, and valued them as sources of healing … Continue reading