One of the things I’ve had to learn as an adult is the importance of self-love for the sake of well-being. Self-love can come in many forms: being conscious in the way we eat, mindfulness regarding the products we put … Continue reading

Most of us spend at least 8 hours a day at work. That works out at 40 hours per week or 160 hours per month. That’s a lot of hours! So since most of our lives are spent at work, it’s pretty … Continue reading

Forward Head Posture (FHP) can be recognized by the positioning of the ear being forward of the shoulder, rather than sitting directly over it. Poor neck posture leads to a Forward Head Position which is one of the most common … Continue reading

Many of us had our mothers bugging us for years to stand up straight. While the nagging may have been annoying, they probably had a point. Having good posture not only makes you look better and improves confidence, but it … Continue reading

You might already be aware of this but as folks tend to get older they also tend to have problems with their back, and you may find that there are lots of different reasons for this back pain. There’s a … Continue reading