Mention the word “slouching,” and most people think immediately of the the kind of posture that comes with sitting in a chair all day. But posture – good or bad – is always happening, whether you’re sitting, standing, lying down … Continue reading

I’ve read my fair share of self-help books and regardless of the topic usually find some nugget of wisdom to reflect upon. But the most inspiring of late may very well be Jessica Herrin’s recently released “Find Your Extraordinary: Dream … Continue reading

Creating healthy working environments is a hot topic of discussion in today’s workplaces. Not only does a healthy working environment increase employee satisfaction and morale, it can also help to improve employee efficiency rates, absenteeism rates, and reduce potential workplace … Continue reading

Once your business evolves from its startup phase and into a functioning company, you’re going to be relying more and more on your leadership skills to keep the ship moving in the right direction. Leadership is a tough gig, but … Continue reading

Everyone goes through a phase in life, when you feel blue leaving you broken and numb. Whatever the reason may be, feeling uninspired for life isn’t an option. It is when you are down; you feel like your world is … Continue reading