When you were growing up, your parents or teachers probably told you to sit and stand straight, instead of slouching your back and shoulders. They themselves may not have exactly known why that was important, it just seemed that way. … Continue reading

“Gratitude can turn common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” ~William Arthur Ward Living in India for more than two years now has been an eye opening experience for me, as I’ve … Continue reading

When Barbara Beskind, 92, had trouble reaching foods in the back of her refrigerator, she installed a lazy susan on an inside shelf. The revolving tray makes items much easier to reach. Ms. Beskind, a former occupational therapist in the … Continue reading

With large companies, like Google and Facebook, taking wellness programs to extremes – and spending a large chunk of money in the process — it can be difficult to understand how the costs balance out for smaller businesses. With just a little … Continue reading

We all remember being told by our mothers to sit up straight. It is human nature that it is difficult to understand the objective of a certain statement. The truth is our mothers always said this for a reason. Poor … Continue reading