Marketing Events


Are you having a mobile marketing event tour? No problem! We have therapists nationwide so wherever you are on the road, so are we! We coordinate all areas of chair massage at your event…staffing, schedule, compensation, and collect the proper paperwork of all the licensed massage therapists. So let us help you take care of one less task!

Chair Massage at marketing events is another excellent tool to advertise or promote your product. It also:

  • Attracts a large crowd which puts your brand center stage.
  • Allows customers to see your brand as in touch with their well-being.
  • Is irresistible and an extremely memorable experience, which has your target customers looking for their free massage at your next marketing event.

You can enhance your marketing efforts by adding our marketing message service, which delivers your message in a distinctive way, while they are relaxing in a massage chair.

Customers will tend to wait for longer periods of time to receive their free massage so you may want to have a waiting area. You may want to consider adding our electric foot massagers. Your staff will be able chat with the customers and promote your product or brand while they wait.

Search Engine Keywords: Marketing Events Chair Massage, Event Chair Massage USA